
the new goings on in a new town in the Pacific Northwest.

Friday, May 04, 2007


When Stacey and I first began researching dogs to find the right one we wanted, we didn't know what we were in for. Stacey is a fan of sporting dogs. She had a Yellow Lab named Rosa for eleven years. I was with Rosa for the last year - she was a great dog, that's for sure...
So, some time after Rosa left us - we realized there was a bit of a hole in the home. We needed to fill it, but we didn't want to jump at the first chance and fill it with whatever dog came our way. We put some work in.
I prefer breeds of dogs that have smushed faces and breathing problems, but they're so cute - you can't go wrong. I've always wanted a Bulldog (or better yet, a FRENCH bulldog - who is just like a regular bulldog, but smaller and has stupid Bat Ears... i love it).
We eventually found a breed called Buggles, which are Beagle/Bulldog designer dogs. Beagles for the Sporting/Hound dog Stacey likes, Bulldogs for ME. The problem with Buggles - we never saw any pictures of them as adults. They make cute puppies, but how big do they grow? We both felt Rosa (at 90 lbs.) was too big for a city dog. We wanted something that made sense. Maybe a small to midsize dog that could live comfortably anywhere. We found Puggles.
Puggles are Pug/Beagles and they're weird, smushed faced versions of beagles.
That's what Arlo is supposed to be. If you look at any pictures of him, let me know if you see ANY pug in there. He's a long-legged 34 pound Beagle, through and through.

Recently he found he can get up onto the windowsill from the back of the couch. He has made that his little daytime bed - which is why we're now convinced Arlo is a BEATTIE. Beagle/Kittie mix. He's got long legs, he bats balls around with his front paws, he spends HOURS staring out the window - and now, he sleeps in the windowsill.

What a weirdo.


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