
the new goings on in a new town in the Pacific Northwest.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My Little Sicky

I had a busy evening planned, what with the 37Foxtrot show closing, a Washington Generals rehearsal and all 3 of my netflix movies arriving tonight - I had a full night while Stacey is working in Portland.
I leave work about 5 minutes early - to see if that could help me get any sort of headway on the traffic I've been stuck in while driving to and from work this week. I got to A Dog's Life (where I've been dropping Arlo off every morning) in 40 minutes. Not too bad, I guess, considering it's almost 7 miles from where I work (yeah)...
So - I get my little guy into the car and home and I put some food in his bowl. He's not interested. That's not like him... so I try to coax him over to his food with a treat. He eats the treat but is still not interested in his food.
A minute later, he throws up his treat.
This is followed by a half hour of him throwing up bile - both inside and outside.
He threw up a total of 9 times and it scared me. I called the vet, who reffered me to the emergency vet. I called them and they told me to bring him in.
I did.

They took Xrays and didn't really find anything wrong.
They gave him a subcutanious shot of some liquids to keep him hydrated (since he threw up so much) and told me to keep an eye on him.
298 bucks later, where at home and he's sleeping it off.

I think he's fine.

He misses Stacey.

big baby.
He threw up 9 times


  • At 12:23 AM , Blogger matt said...

    Ugh. I hope Arlo is doing better. Even the cutest dog ever isn't so cute when he's throwing up.

  • At 9:43 AM , Blogger gena said...

    oh no!

    i hope arlo is all right. not to freak you out or anything, but the same exac thing happened to my friends cat recently and it turned out he ate a string. so... hopefully that didnt happen, but if arlo is still ill, definitely take him back ASAP.

    im such a downer.....


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